The MT328 is a Microprocessor controlled Industrial Earth Leakage tester designed to operate on 550V, 380V and 220V systems, or circuits with a maximum of 450V AC (L-E). The MT328 has been designed for ease of operation while still maintaining safety, reliability and accuracy thus providing consistent results throughout all operating ranges. The MT328 offers both the Trip Time and the Sensitivity at which the ELCB tripped.
The Trip can be timed to a maximum of 100 Seconds, while the sensitivity can either be set at a certain milli amp rating or the operator can simply let the instrument ramp to 1000mA. The MT328 is ideally suited for Mining, Industrial and Domestic applications.
Microprocessor controlled for accuracy and reliability
Direct readout of disconnection time
Display mA Sensitivity
Current setting 5mA ? 1000mA
Indicates tripping phase angle
0? or 180? Phase angle selection
Operating voltage 100V ? 450V L-E
Checks ELCB trip time and trip point sensitivity
Auto Off
Built-in 100s Timer
MT319 is an optional 3-phase adaptor
*Function: Voltage Measurement Range: 115V to 450V Accuracy: ? (5%)
*Function: Frequency Response Range: 50/60Hz
*Function: Test Current Range: 5mA to 1000mA
*Function: Measuring Range Range: 0.1ms, 100s Accuracy: ? (1ms)
*Function: Phase Angle Selection Range: 0? to 180?
*Function: Display Range: Dual display
*Function: Enclosure Range: Moulded case
*Function: Low Battery Indication Range: Yes
*Function: Batteries Range: 8 x AA
*Function: Weight Range: 800g
*Function: Dimensions Range: 170 x 120 x 95mm
*Function: Safety Specs Range: IEC61010-1 CAT III 450V
Pouch for leads
Test leads
Instruction Manual
Additional information
Brand | |
Type | |
Supplier | Major Tech |