Economy 12 Tonne Hydraulic Crimper ‘C’ Head
Economically priced 12 tonne tool with two stage pumping action which means rapid advancement of the piston in the early stages of the crimping process, with a ‘gear change’ as the dies close on the lug, reducing crimp time dramatically.
Nominal force 12 tonnes at the die face. Automatic trip out when maximum pressure is reached, to stop over pressure in the tool.
The head rotates 180°for work in tight spaces. Handles are made from reinforced glass fibre, to guard against accidental electrocution. The head is a standard ‘C’head accepting standard 12 tonne dies. Die range 16-300mm².
Refer to die selection charts in this section. The tool is supplied in a heavy duty plastic carry case.
Technical Data
• Length: 660mm
• Weight: 10.25kg
• Throat opening 38mm
Ordering Information
Part No. CY0-510B